Yukiko Ayres 惠杏壽昌鶴 was born in Tokyo and took up calligraphy at the age of 6 joining the Nihon Shodouin association in 1987. At 18 she was accepted as a deshi by the renowned calligrapher Koushou Yashiro.
A deshi is a rare position of honour. Chosen by their master, a deshi becomes the legitimate custodian of the teaching of a whole lineage.
Yukiko is descended directly and in just three generations, from Meikaku Kusakabe one of the most important calligraphers of the 19th and early 20th centuries.
When she was 26 she was recommended for the elite status of doujin, and became an officer of the prestigious Nihon Shodouin
日本書道院 英国支部 エアーズ由希子
日本クラブ (イギリス ロンドン) 書道稽古会 主催
Photo Courtesy of Geijutsu Shinbunsha Co. Ltd
『墨』 45号 特集 日下部鳴鶴